Page 5 - index
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Effectiveness of Albit LLC was assessed in field trial on spring wheat variety Bon Bon
at Vecauce farm in 2014. This farm is an experimental farm of the Latvian University
of Agriculture, and a member of agricultural cooperative LPKS Agrario.

Climatic conditions of the vegetation season, in generally, were not very favorable in the
beginning plant development: April-May - drought, in June - cool, in July and the first
decade of August - heat and drought. Spring cereals were not completely matured and
dried, it affected on quality of grain.
Type of soil - sandy loam (pHKCL 6.7, humus content - 1.7 %). Forecrop - spring barley.
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Plot area - 14 m , 4 repeated field trials. Sowing - 600 seeds/m . Combine cleaning
(HEGE) in August 21, 2014.
Soil was fertilized with N i8PsK i6 (300 kg/ha) before sowing.

Field treatments in control: foliar spraying (May 20, 2014) with tank mix of herbicides
Biathlon 0.06 kg/ha + Dash 0.5 L/ha + growth regulator Cykocel 1.0 L/ha; foliar spraying
(June 10, 2014) with tank mix fungicide Opera N 1.0 L/ha + systemic insecticide Perfekts
0.6 L/ha.

Albit was applied as follows: presowing seed treatment - 40 mL/t and foliar spraying
(twice) - 40 mL/ha in the tillering stage (BBCH 20-30) and in flowering stage (BBCH 50­

Variants of the field trial:
1 - control
2 - Albit and reduced application rate of fungicide (by 50 %)
3 - Albit instead of fungicide

In general, plants maturation was impaired as a result of drought. However, Albit treatment
in both variants (without fungicide treatment and with 50% reduced fungicide) led to the
increasing yield of spring wheat by 2.6-3.2 % as compared to the Control (full dose of
fungicide). Yield in control was 6.82 t/ha. Also, in variants with Albit treatment, the protein
content was 15.9% against 15.1% in Control.

The net profit in the variants was 35.82 euro/ha (Albit + 50 % of fungicide) and 44.97
euro/ha (Albit instead of fungicide).

Thus, Albit application for presowing seed treatment as well as foliar spraying in standard
scheme of chemical protection of spring wheat is efficient in terms of increasing crop
yields, even in unfavorable climatic conditions (drought) and allows to reduce application of
chemical fungicide.
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