Page 1 - index
P. 1

Brief Report on Fietd Trial of Albit@ /

Agricultural crop: BarleY
winter or spring: SPring
Variety: Annabell
LocatiLn of trial: viistankvarn experimental farm, Inkoo, Finland
Experimental field areq ha: 0.1
Date of sowin g: 11.5.2011
Date of harvesting: 15.8.2011
Soit and how it was teated Clay, conventional tillage
Climatic traits of the year: Normal conditions

Number of treatments with Albil I
Application rate of Albit 40 ml/ha
Amount of working solution: 2A0llha
Terms of applicatiän of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with: In stage of tillering

in mix with herbicide
Other pesticides and fertilizers applied: Fertilizer 80 kg N/ha placed into soil when sowing

Yield in control: 5602kgtha
Yield in the variant treated with Albit: 5721kgtha
Yield increase due to the treatment with Albit ll9kgtha
lnfluence of Albit upon diseases: -
Other important observations: -

Farmer (Head of the orgarization): Patrik Erlund , Head of the trials at Västankvarn experimental

Official distributor of Albit LLC:
Attested ,
- : i / ,
l7.l.20l2Mats Antas Nordic 1rer Ov ,,V{5 /h/'> NordicAgrioY
Date, signature, seal i'

Page I of I
T rial rep ort fo rm A nnab ell