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Brief Report on Field Trial with biostimulant Albit liquid paste/
Акт о полевом опыте с препаратом Альбит, ТПС

Agricultural crop /农作物__cucumber _

Location of trial (farm, region, country)( 地 点 :农 场 ,地 区 , 国 家 ) —West Heshunying
village, Yongqing county, Hebei province

Experimental greenhouse area, ha / Площадь опытного поля, га ___ is 700 square meters

Date of harvesting / 收获期—starting from late Dec. 2013—

Soil and how it was treated / 土壤和耕作方式—sandy soil _

Climatic traits of the year (e.g. drought in July) /气候特点 rain fall is about 500 mm, most of it
happens during June-October

Number of treatments with Albit 阿 尔 比 特 的 处 理 次 数 —during 50 days 5-6 treatments were
carried out

Application rate of A lb it/阿尔比特的处理剂量—80-120 ml/ha

Amount of working solution / 用水量_700-900 liters/ha, dilution rate is 7500x

Terms of application of Albit, what chemical pesticides it was combined with / 阿尔比特处理技
术 ,是否和化学农药混配— Albit was applied with 7-10 days intervals from mid-January till
late February. Albit was applied in mix with some pesticides (fungicides for powdery mildew
and/or gray mold) and fertilizers

Yield in control (no Albit treatment)空 白 区 的 产 量 : 14835 kg/ha (until 13th of Feb)

Yield in the variant treated with Albit / 阿尔比特处理区的产量_22260 kg/ha (until 13th of Feb)

Yield increase due to the treatment with Albit / 阿尔比特增产数量和增产率/ 7425 kg/ha, 50.1%
increase rate一

Influence of Albit upon diseases / 阿尔比特对病害的影响 30_40% less powdery mildew

Other important observations (e.g. germination o f seeds treated with Albit increased by 10-12%) /
其 他 重 要 的 观 察 结 果 . Most local farmers used to use plant growth regulator for treating
young cucumber in order to speed up the growth rate (from 15 day to 7-10 days) and get
bigger cucumbers. But taste is so bad because of treatments with chemicals. Unlike other
growth regulators, Albit significantly improved the taste of cucumbers.

Farmer (Head of the enterprise) / 农户 $ 农 择 领 导 人 ) ‘Attested’ Mr. Hongliang ZHANG

Official Distributor of 荀
Mr. Hongqi ZHENG
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